A Majlis is a space where a community gathers to share and listen. The Cancer Majlis therefore welcomes and values the input and feedback of all whose life was touched by Cancer in one way or another.
French Venezuelan expat in Dubai for 13 years, I am the happy Mum of three wonderful kids: two teen boys and a younger girl. My work in Hospitality gave me the opportunity to travel the region and meet lovely people.
I got diagnosed late March 2018 with breast cancer. Counting my blessings every single day, with the amazing support of my family and friends, I decided to approach this phase of my life without losing my smile.
Chemo days would be pretext to read books but also gather, play scrabble, catch up with friends, make new ones… The hospital room would, for a day, convert into my majlis.
“The art of life is not controlling what happens to us, but using what happens to us.”
Gloria Steinem
I created The Cancer Majlis to share – in a positive spirit – information, tips and advice, resources, and details of the amazing caring community I met since the beginning of this journey, on one platform.