Books are fantastic support to talk to kids about Cancer, or simply dealing with our own emotions during the journey.
Please see below my selection and awaiting for yours!

One of the challenge during the treatment has been explaining my little one that it was not big deal if I had no hair. “Nowhere Hair” from Sue Glader & Edith Buenen is beautifully written, elegant drawing, emotional story. I love it…
See here the video of Sue Glader on the genesis of the book

Raquel A Bahnam is a young wonderful lady who got diagnosed with Leukemia few years back when she was 21 years old. She decided to share her experience with a genuine sense of humor.
“Sense of Tumor” is a fun book which contributes to raise awareness and funds since Raquel gives back the sales benefits of the book to research as she detailed in various interviews.To know more about Raquel and the book, Like the Sense of Tumor Facebook page.